
“Signal amplification in a solid-state quantum sensor via asymmetric time-reversal of many-body dynamics”, H. Gao, L. S. Martin, L. B. Hughes, N. T. Leitao, P. Put, H. Zhou, N. U. Koyluoglu, S. A. Meynell, A. C. B. Jayich, H. Park, M. D. Lukin, arXiv:2503.14598 (2025).
“Spin squeezing in an ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond”, W. Wu, E. J. Davis, L. B. Hughes, B. Ye, Z. Wang, D. Kufel, T. Ono, S. A. Meynell, M. Block, C. Liu, H. Yang, A. C. B. Jayich, N. Y. Yao, arXiv:2503.14585 (2025).
“Scalable, nanoscale positioning of highly coherent color centers in prefabricated diamond nanostructures”, S. Kim, P. London, D. Yang, L. Hughes, J. Ahlers, S. Meynell, W. Mitchell, K. Mukherjee, A. C. B. Jayich, arXiv:2502.01198 (2025).
“Roadmap on Nanoscale Magnetic Resonance Imaging”, R. Budakian, A. Finkler, A. Eichler, M. Poggio, C. L. Degen, S. Tabatabaei, I. Lee, P. C. Hammel, E. S. Polzik, T. H. Taminiau, R. L. Walsworth, P. London, A. B. Jayich, A. Ajoy, A. Pillai, J. Wrachtrup, F. Jelezko, Y. Bae, A. J. Heinrich, C. R. Ast, P. Bertet, P. Cappellaro, C. Bonato, Y. Altmann, E. Gauger, Nanotechnology 35, 41200 (2024).
“Nanoscale diamond quantum sensors for many-body physics”, J. Rovny, S. Gopalakrishnan, A. C. B. Jayich, P. Maletinsky, E. Demler, N. P. de Leon, Nat. Rev. Phys. 6, 753–768 (2024).
“Role of Oxygen in Laser Induced Contamination at Diamond-Vacuum Interfaces”, S. Parthasarathy, M. Joos, L. B. Hughes, S. A. Meynell, T. A. Morrison, J. D. Risner-Jamtgaard, D. M. Weld, K. Mukherjee, A. C. B. Jayich, Phys. Rev. Appl. 22, 024067 (2024).
“Long-lived coherences in strongly interacting spin ensembles”, W. K. Schenken, S. A. Meynell, F. Machado, B. Ye, C. A. McLellan, M. Joos, V. V. Dobrovitski, N. Y. Yao, A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, Phys. Rev. A 110, 032612 (2024).
“A strongly interacting, two-dimensional, dipolar spin ensemble in (111)-oriented diamond”, L. B. Hughes, S. A. Meynell, W. Wu, S. Parthasarathy, L. Chen, Z. Zhang, Z. Wang, E. J. Davis, K. Mukherjee, N. Y. Yao, A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, arXiv:2404.10075 (2024).
“Diamond Surface Functionalization via Visible Light-Driven C-H Activation for Nanoscale Quantum Sensing”, L. V. H. Rodgers, S. T. Nguyen, J. H. Cox, K. Zervas, Z. Yuan, S. Sangtawesin, A. Stacey, C. Jaye, C. Weiland, A. Pershin, A. Gali, L. Thomsen, S. A. Meynell, L. B. Hughes, A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, X. Gui, R. J. Cava, R. R. Knowles, N. P. de Leon, PNAS 121 (11) e2316032121 (2024).
“Inducing skyrmion flop transitions in Co8Zn8Mn4 at room temperature”, S. A. Meynell, Y. M. Eggeler, J. D. Bocarsly, D. A. Kitchaev, B. E. Rhodes, T. M. Pollock, S. D. Wilson, A. Van der Ven, R. Seshadri, M. De Graef, A. C. B. Jayich, D. S. Gianola, Physical Review Materials 7, 044401 (2023).
“Reporter-Spin-Assisted T1 Relaxometry”,Z. Zhang, M. Joos, D. Bluvstein, Y. Lyu, A.C. Bleszynski Jayich, Physical Review Applied 19, L031004 (2023).
“Probing many-body dynamics in a two-dimensional dipolar spin ensemble.”, E. J. Davis, B. Ye, F. Machado, S. A. Meynell, W. Wu, T. Mittiga, W. Schenken, M. Joos, B. Kobrin, Y. Lyu, Z. Wang, D. Bluvstein, S. Choi, C. Zu, A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, N. Y. Yao,  Nat. Phys.(2023).
“Two-dimensional spin systems in PECVD-grown diamond with tunable density and long coherence for enhanced quantum sensing and simulation”, L. B. Hughes, Z. Zhang, C. Jin, S. A. Meynell, B. Ye, W. Wu, Z. Wang, E. J. Davis, T. E. Mates, N. Y. Yao, K. Mukherjee, A. C. B. Jayich,  APL Materials 11, 021101 (2023).
One of the most-read articles from APL Materials in 2023!
“Single-Spin Readout and Quantum Sensing using Optomechanically-Induced Transparency”, M. Koppenhöfer, C. Padgett, J. V. Cady, V. Dharod, H. Oh, A. C. B. Jayich, A. A. Clerk,  Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 093603 (2023).
“Scalable and Tunable Diamond Nanostructuring Process for Nanoscale NMR Applications”, M. Gierse, A. Marshall, M. U. Qureshi, J. Scharpf, A. J. Parker, B. J. M. Hausmann, P. Walther, A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, F. Jelezko, P. Neumann, and I. Schwartz,  ACS Omega 7,35, 31544-31550 (2022).
“Imaging the Breakdown of Ohmic Transport in Graphene”A. Jenkins, S. Baumann, H. Zhou, S. A. Meynell, D. Yang, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, A. Lucas, A. F. Young, and A. C. B. Jayich,  Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 087701 (2022).
This work highlighted in:
“Imaging an Elusive Electronic Transition in Graphene,” Physics 15, 127, August 2022.
“Protecting qubit coherence by spectrally engineered driving of the spin environment”, M. Joos, D. Bluvstein, Y. Lyu, D. M. Weld, A. B. Jayich, npj Quantum Information 847(2022).
“Quantum-coherent nanoscience”, A. J. Heinrich, W. D. Oliver, L. M. K. Vandersypen, A. Ardavan, R. Sessoli, D. Loss, A. B. Jayich, J. Fernandez-Rossier, A. Laucht, A. Morello, Nature Nanotechnology 16, 1318-1329 (2021).
“Integrating micromagnets and hybrid nanowires for topological quantum computing”, M. J. A. Jardine, J. P. T. Stenger, Y. Jiang, E. J. de Jong, W. Wang, A. C. B. Jayich, S. M. Frolov, SciPost Phys. 11, 090 (2021).
“Materials challenges for quantum technologies based on color centers in diamond”, L. V. H. Rodgers, L. B. Hughes, M. Xie, P. C. Maurer, S. Kolkowitz, A. B. Jayich, N. P. de Leon, MRS Bulletin 46623–633 (2021).
“Probing many-body noise in a strongly interacting two-dimensional dipolar spin system”, E. J. Davis, B. Ye, F. Machado, S. A. Meynell, T. Mittiga, W. Schenken, M. Joos, B. Kobrin, Y. Lyu, D. Bluvstein, S. Choi, C. Zu, A. B. Jayich, N. Y. Yao, arXiv:2103.12742 (2021).
“Engineering quantum-coherent defects: the role of substrate miscut in chemical vapor deposition diamond growth”,
S. A. Meynell, C. A. McLellan, L. B. Hughes, W. Wang, T. E. Mates, K. Mukherjee, A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 194001 (2020).
“Colour centre generation in diamond for quantum technologies”,
J. M. Smith, S. A. Meynell, A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, J. Meijer, Nanophotonics 2019-0196 (2019).
“Optimizing the formation of depth-confined nitrogen vacancy center spin ensembles in diamond for quantum sensing”,
T. R. Eichhorn, C. A. McLellan, A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 113802 (2019).
“Extending the Quantum Coherence of a Near-Surface Qubit by Coherently Driving the Paramagnetic Surface Environment”,
D. Bluvstein, Z. Zhang, C. A. McLellan, N. R. Williams, A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 146804 (2019).
“Single-spin sensing of domain-wall structure and dynamics in a thin-film skyrmion host”,
A. Jenkins, M. Pelliccione, G. Yu, X. Ma, X. Li, K. L. Wang, and A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, Phys. Rev. Mater. 3, 083801 (2019).
“Diamond optomechanical crystals with embedded nitrogen-vacancy centers”,
J. V. Cady, O. Michel, K. W. Lee, R. N. Patel, C. J. Sarabalis, A. H. Safavi-Naeini, A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 024009 (2019).
“Identifying and mitigating charge instabilities in shallow diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers”,
D. Bluvstein, Z. Zhang, A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 076101 (2019).
“A Quantum Defect Sees its Charged Surroundings”,
A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, Physics. 11. 10.1103/Physics.11.126 (2018).
“Nanoscale electrical conductivity imaging using anitrogen-vacancy center in diamond”,
A. Ariyaratne, D. Bluvstein, B. A. Myers & A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, Nature Comm. 9, 2406 (2018).
“Room-Temperature Skyrmions in an Antiferromagnet-Based Heterostructure”,
G. Yu, A. Jenkins, X. Ma, S. A. Razavi, C. He, G. Yin, Q. Shao, Q. L. He, H. Wu, W. Li, W. Jiang, X. Han, X. Li, A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, P. Khalili Amiri, and K. L. Wang, Nano Lett. 18 (2), 980–986 (2018).
“Double-Quantum Spin-Relaxation Limits to Coherence of Near-Surface Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers”,
B. A. Myers, A. Ariyaratne, and A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 197201 (2017).
“Nanomechanical Sensing Using Spins in Diamond”,
M. S.J. Barson, P. Peddibhotla, P. Ovartchaiyapong, K. Ganesan, R. L. Taylor, M. Gebert, Z. Mielens, B. Koslowski, D. A. Simpson, L. P. McGuinness, J. McCallum∥, S. Prawer, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, F. Jelezko, N. B. Manson, and M. W. Doherty, Nano Lett. 17 (3), pp 1496–1503 (2017).
“Topical Review: Spins and mechanics in diamond”,
D. Lee, K. W. Lee, J. V. Cady, P. Ovartchaiyapong, A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, J. Opt. 19 033001 (2017).
“Strain coupling of a mechanical resonator to a single quantum emitter in diamond”,
K.W. Lee, D. Lee, P. Ovartchaiyapong, J. Minguzzi, J.R. Maze, A.C. Bleszynski Jayich, Physical Review Applied 6, 034005 (2016).
“Hyperfine-enhanced gyromagnetic ratio of a nuclear spin in diamond”,
S. Sangtawesin, C. A. McLellan, B. A. Myers, A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, D. D. Awschalom and J. R. Petta, New Journal of Physics 18, 083016 (2016).
“Double-quantum spin-relaxation limits to coherence of near-surface nitrogen-vacancy centers”
B. A. Myers, A. Ariyaratne and A. C. Bleszynski Jayich,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 197201 (2017).
“Scanned probe imaging of nanoscale magnetism at cryogenic temperatures with a
single-spin quantum sensor”
Matthew Pelliccione, Alec Jenkins, Preeti Ovartchaiyapong, Christopher Reetz, Eve Emmanouilidou, Ni Ni and Ania C. Bleszynski Jayich, Nature Nanotechnology AOP DOI:10.1038/nnano.2016.68 (2016).
“Patterned Formation of Highly Coherent Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers Using a Focused Electron Irradiation Technique”,
C.A. McLellan, B.A. Myers, S. Kraemer, K. Ohno, D.D. Awschalom, A.C. Bleszynski Jayich, Nano Lett. ASAP (2016).
“Ten years of Nature Physics: Frozen motion,”
A.C. Bleszynski Jayich, Nature Physics 11, 710–711 (2015).
“Reduced plasma-induced damage to near-surface nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond,”
S. Cui, A.S. Greenspon, K. Ohno, B.A. Myers, A.C. Bleszynski Jayich, D.D. Awschalom and E.L. Hu, Nano Letters Article ASAP DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b00457.
“Deterministic coupling of delta-doped NV centers to a nanobeam photonic crystal cavity,”
J.C. Lee, D.O. Bracher, S. Cui, K. Ohno, C.A. McLellan, X. Zhang, P. Andrich, B. Aleman, K.J. Russel, A.P. Magyar, I. Aharonovich, A.C. Bleszynski Jayich, D.D. Awschalom, E.L. Hu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 261101 (2014).
“Two-dimensional nanoscale imaging of gadolinium spins via scanning probe relaxometry with a single spin in diamond,”
M. Pelliccione, B.A. Myers, L.M.A. Pascal, A. Das, A.C. Bleszynski Jayich, Phys. Rev. Applied 2, 054014 (2014).
“Three-dimensional localization of spins in diamond using 12C implantation,”
K. Ohno, F.J. Heremans, C.F. de las Casas, B.A. Myers, B.J. Aleman, A.C. Bleszynski Jayich, D.D. Awschalom, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 052406 (2014).
“Dynamic strain-mediated coupling of a single diamond spin to a mechanical resonator,”
P. Ovartchaiyapong, K.W. Lee, B.A. Myers, A.C. Bleszynski Jayich, Nature Communications 5, 4429 (2014).
“Probing surface noise with depth-calibrated spins in diamond,”
B.A. Myers, A. Das, M.C. Dartiailh, K. Ohno, D.D. Awschalom, A.C. Bleszynski Jayich, Phys. Rev. Lett., 113, 027602 (2014).
“Measurement of the full distribution of persistent current in normal-metal rings,”
M. A. Castellanos-Beltran, D. Q. Ngo, W. E. Shanks, A. C. Bleszynski Jayich, J. G. E. Harris,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 156801 (2013).
“Measuring mechanical motion with a single spin,”
S.D. Bennett, S. Kolkowitz, Q.P. Unterreithmeier, P. Rabl, A.C. Bleszynski-Jayich, J.G.E Harris, M.D. Lukin,
New J. Phys. 14 125004 (2012).
“High quality factor single-crystal diamond mechanical resonators,”
P. Ovartchaiyapong, L.M.A. Pascal, B.A. Myers, P. Lauria, A.C. Bleszynski-Jayich, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 163505 (2012).
“Engineering shallow spins in diamond with nitrogen delta-doping”,
K. Ohno, F.J. Heremans, L.C. Basset, B.A. Myers, D.M. Toyli, A.C. Bleszynski-Jayich, C.J. Palmstrom, and D.D. Awschalom, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 082413 (2012).
“Coherent Sensing of a Mechanical Resonator with a Single-Spin Qubit,”
S. Kolkowitz, A.C. Bleszynski Jayich, Q. Unterreithmeier, S.D. Bennett, Peter Rabl, J.G.E. Harris, M.D. Lukin, Science, 335, 6076 (2012).
“Mesoscopic persistent currents in a strong magnetic field,”
E. Ginossar, L. I. Glazman, T. Ojanen, F. von Oppen, W. E. Shanks, A. C. Bleszynski-Jayich, and J. G. E. Harris, Physical Review B 81, 155448 (2010).
“Persistent currents in normal metal rings,”
A.C. Bleszynski-Jayich, W. E. Shanks, B. Peaudecerf, E. Ginossar, F. von Oppen, L. Glazman, and J.G.E. Harris, Science 326, 272 (2009).
This work highlighted in:
“Sensitive cantilevers detect the persistent currents in normal metal rings,” Physics Today, p. 17, December 2009.
“Catch the Wave,” Nature Physics, p. 779, November 2009.
“High sensitivity cantilevers for measuring persistent currents in normal metal rings,”
A.C. Bleszynski-Jayich, W. E. Shanks, B. Ilic, and J.G.E. Harris,
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 26, 1412 (2008).
“Imaging a one-Electron InAs Quantum Dot in an InAs/InP Nanowire,”
A.C. Bleszynski-Jayich, L.E. Froberg, M.T. Bjork, L. Samuelson, and R.M. Westervelt, Physical Review B 77, 245327 (2008).
“Noise thermometry and electron thermometry of a sample-on-cantilever system below 1 Kelvin,”
A.C. Bleszynski-Jayich, W. E. Shanks, and J.G.E. Harris, Applied Physics Letters 92, 013123 (2008).
“High quality mechanical and optical properties of commercial silicon nitride membranes,”
B.M. Zwickl, W.E. Shanks, A.M. Jayich, C. Yang, A.C. Bleszynski-Jayich, J.D. Thompson and J.G.E. Harris, Applied Physics Letters 92, 103125 (2008).
“Scanned Probe Imaging of Quantum Dots inside InAs Nanowires,”
A.C. Bleszynski, F.A. Zwanenburg, R.M. Westervelt, L.P. Kouwenhoven, A. Roest, E.P.A.M. Bakkers, Nano Letters 7, 2559 (2007).
This work highlighted in:
“Probe microscopy: Finding quantum dots inside nanowires”, Nature Nanotechnology (2007).
“Nanowires: Joining the dots”, Nature Nanotechnology (2007).
“Imaging Electron Interferometer,”
B. J. LeRoy, A. C. Bleszynski, K. E. Aidala, R. M. Westervelt, A. Kalben, E. J. Heller, S. E. J. Shaw, K. D. Maranowski, and A. C. Gossard, Physical Review Letters 94, 126801 (2005).
“Imaging a Single Electron Quantum Dot,”
P. Fallahi, A.C. Bleszynski, R.M. Westervelt, J. Huang, J.D. Walls, E.J. Heller, M. Hanson, and A.C. Gossard, Nano Letters 5, 223 (2005).