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Posted to Arxiv: Identifying and mitigating charge instabilities in shallow diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers
“Nanoscale electrical conductivity imaging using a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond” chosen for Nature Communications Editors’ Highlights
Published in Nature Communications: Nanoscale electrical conductivity imaging using a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond
Published in PRL: Double-Quantum Spin-Relaxation Limits to Coherence of Near-Surface Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers
Dolev Bluvstein named 2017 Barry Goldwater Scholar
Congratulations Dolev!
Published in Journal of Optics: Topical review: spins and mechanics in diamond
Claire McLellan wins the Arthur Nowick Graduate Student Award
Arthur Nowick Graduate Student Award
A newly endowed award, the Arthur Nowick Graduate Student Award, which honors the late Dr. Arthur Nowick and his lifelong commitment to teaching and mentoring students in materials science, will be presented to a GSA finalist who shows particular promise as a future teacher and mentor.
Claire McLellan wins an MRS Graduate Student Gold Award
Congratulations Claire!
Dolev Bluvstein wins first place at the UCSB undergraduate physics symposium
Dolev for an aggressive win! Congratulations Dolev!